Sunday, January 14, 2007

The last rose of summer . .

. . . is still hanging on, surviving last night's slight frost and the gales of the past 2 weeks. It's beginning to brown a bit round the edges, and I'm not sure if the buds are going to open, but I can't believe it has been there on the end of a long shoot that has grown since the summer! And as for these, camellia and lavatera, have just bloomed in the last couple of weeks in our front garden! We don't live in Australia, someone ought to tell them!


Anonymous said...

We are in a confused state aren't we, here in Kent we have geraniums and winter jasmine, campanula and snowdrops (which seem quite late)roses and primroses,but our camellias haven't put in an appearance yet.

Jenny Bear said...

We are having the same thing hppening in the far north.......